Critical Incident Management and Awareness Training

[band background-color=”#ffffff” color=”#666666″ container=”no”]Would you or your employer know what to do during a terror attack? Have you had training at work? Is there a plan?

Are you worried that you or someone in your family might become the victim of a terrorist attack? This could be at work, while shopping, travelling, in a bar/restaurant at school. Soft targets ARE the targets as seen in the news in recent times.

Would you know how to deal with a critical injury? Life could ebb away in three minutes due to catastrophic bleeding. This needs much more than a bandage!

We have launched our new training product “CIMAT”. We have delivered this training to individuals and corporate clients.

It’s quite plain to see that soft targets are and always will be the 1st choice of a terrorist. We only need to reflect on recent news events to realise this.

Soft targets are all around us and we use them daily. These could be coffee bars, hotels, transport hubs, office buildings, the list goes on.

You or your company may not be at risk, that
said, what about your neighbours? Are you at
risk because of your proximity?

Have you even considered that due to your
personal and incidental use of these soft
targets you are at risk?

Who would ever think that going to a bar
could be the last thing you do in life?

CIMAT is a joint venture with Crisilience Ltd.

CIMAT is our Critical Incident Management and Awareness Training Program

Our CIMAT seminar will teach you, your employees what to do during a terrorist attack

The CIMAT seminar also includes hostage awareness and security awareness. Of course, security awareness is the foundational element of the seminar.

So, what would a CIMAT seminar do for you and your employees?

For a start, a few of the benefits of our CIMAT seminar are:

  • Creating employee awareness and confidence
  • Evacuation efficiency
  • Enhanced security posture
  • Saving lives
  • Compliance with your “Duty of Care” policy
  • Enhances crisis management program

Our Commitment to all our clients has always been to:

  • Provide meaningful training and seminars
  • Test learner/listener retention
  • Give honest feedback/observations
  • Deliver dedicated client specific drills to arranged timelines
  • Prepare program optimisation and security updates
  • Supply a holistic security survey
  • Furnish realistic and non-commercial biased recommendations
  • Quality assurance

Added services to our program are:

  • Catastrophic First Aid
  • Employee Contact Accountability Program
  • Traveller, client, location specific travel briefs
  • Security surveys with a view to hardening potential safe-rooms
  • Live active shooter/terrorist attack drills (training, evaluation and optimisation)
  • Train the Trainers

It is important to understand the need for prevention and not creating an environment of fear, instead of preparedness.

Why not give some valuable input on our survey? Your name and contact details are not asked for and your data is anonymous. Use this link to complete our 10 question multi-choice survey:

Want to know more or steer your company to get this done? If you perform fire drills, you really should be doing drills that cover critical incidents and events like active shooter and terrorist attacks.

It is important to understand the need for
prevention and not creating an environment
of fear, instead of preparedness.


Download Further Information

To book a seminar or to learn more

Call us on +44(0)7956 078 392 or email us at or

Call us on +44 (0) 203 28 63323 or email us at[/band]