

How to Set Healthy Habits for 2025 and Beyond

The new year is a great opportunity to reflect on your health and wellbeing, and to set some goals and habits that can help you improve them.

However, many people struggle to stick to their resolutions, or to make lasting changes in their lifestyle. According to a survey by YouGov, only 12% of Britons who made resolutions in 2020 kept them all, and 21% gave up on some or all of them.

So, how can you set healthy habits that are realistic, achievable, and sustainable? Here are some tips based on the latest scientific research:

Start small and simple

One of the main reasons why people fail to keep their resolutions is that they set unrealistic or vague goals, such as “lose weight” or “exercise more”. These goals are too broad and overwhelming, and do not provide a clear direction or plan. Instead, you should focus on specific and measurable actions that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine, such as “walk for 30 minutes every day” or “eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day”. These actions are more manageable and trackable and can help you build confidence and momentum.

Make it obvious and attractive

Another reason why people struggle to form healthy habits is that they lack the motivation or the reminder to do them. To overcome this, you should create cues in your environment that trigger your desired behaviour and make it appealing and rewarding. For example, if you want to drink more water, you can place a bottle of water on your desk or in your bag and add some flavour or colour to it. If you want to meditate, you can set a reminder on your phone or calendar, and choose a relaxing music or a guided app. By making your habits visible and enjoyable, you can increase the likelihood of doing them.

Make it easy and satisfying

A third reason why people give up on their healthy habits is that they find them too hard or boring. To avoid this, you should make your habits as easy and satisfying as possible and reduce any friction or obstacles that may prevent you from doing them. For example, if you want to exercise, you can choose an activity that you like and that suits your level and schedule and prepare your clothes and equipment beforehand. If you want to eat healthier, you can plan your meals and snacks in advance, and stock up on nutritious and tasty ingredients. By making your habits convenient and pleasurable, you can reinforce them and make them stick.

Be consistent and flexible

A final reason why people abandon their healthy habits is that they expect immediate or perfect results and get discouraged or frustrated when they don’t see them. To avoid this, you should be patient and realistic, and focus on the process rather than the outcome. You should also be flexible and adaptable and adjust your habits according to your circumstances and needs. For example, if you miss a day of exercise or eat an unhealthy meal, don’t beat yourself up or give up. Instead, acknowledge that it’s normal to have setbacks, and resume your habit as soon as possible. By being consistent and flexible, you can maintain your habits and achieve your goals.

Setting healthy habits for 2025 and beyond is not impossible, but it requires some planning, strategy, and commitment. By following these tips, you can set habits that are small, simple, obvious, attractive, easy, satisfying, consistent, and flexible. These habits can help you improve your physical and mental health and enhance your quality of life. Remember, healthy habits are not just for the new year, but for life.