Basic first aid is something that everyone should know so that they can help in the event of an emergency occurring when no one else is around to assist. We personally want to spread first aid knowledge as far as possible so that whether you are at work, home or out and about you can handle situations with some basic first aid knowledge.
Why is basic first aid important?
Basic first aid knowledge can play an essential role in keeping an injured person from getting worse and help to stabilise their condition whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive or before getting them to medical assistance.
There are five key reasons for learning basic first aid:
- It can save lives – if you have basic first aid training you are more likely to know what to do and take action immediately which can save the person’s life.
- Prevents the situation from getting worse – by administering first aid it can prevent the person from deteriorating and their condition becoming worse.
- Provides comfort to the injured person – providing the injured person with support and comfort in a calm manner can be reassuring which can go a long way in calming the situation.
- Builds confidence – learning how to administer first aid can give you confidence in your ability to handle emergencies and be able to assist those who are injured.
- Creates a heightened safety awareness – during first aid training you will learn about protecting yourself to ensure that you do not endanger yourself or others, so the training has a positive impact on people’s outlook on life as they have a heightened awareness about safety.
What are the basic first aid principles?
The main principles in basic first aid are to:
- Preserve life
- Prevent the escalation of injury or illness
- Promote recovery
- Protect the unconscious
The other key things that a person should do in the event of an incident are take immediate action in assessing the situation, try to calm the situation, provide comfort to those involved and call for medical assistance if required.
Who should be trained in basic first aid?
As many people as possible!
Realistically though you should ensure that your business, organisation or group has the minimum level of people trained and aim to train above these levels to provide you with sufficient cover when those people are not working or in attendance. Read our blog on Does My Work Need A First Aider? to understand how many people you should have trained.
What courses are available?
We offer a range of first aid courses designed for beginners and requalification courses that cater for all needs. Contact us to find out more.