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Adapting Training To The New Normal

Delivering quality training throughout a pandemic has been a challenge but here at METT we have adapted.

Our focus has always been on the safety of our delegates and we have implemented strict protocols for the delivery of face to face training. With the deadline to the HSE extensions to first aid qualifications fast approaching (March 31st) it is important for organisations to keep their staff up to date to meet compliance.

The HSE states that employers must ensure:
• they have adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities to give first aid to any employee who is injured or becomes ill at work
• the level of first aid cover provided remains appropriate for their particular work environment (particularly important where staff may only be coming into the workplace on a rota system)

• the level of first aid provision necessary in high risk settings is fully maintained, eg in construction, agriculture, engineering and chemicals
Our onsite training premises have been fully risk assessed and learners are given instructions on what to expect when they arrive for training. We display the track and trace QR code for delegates to ‘check in’.
They are temperature checked and complete a screening questionnaire before registration.

Social distancing is observed for the duration of the course and we have smart paths around the building.
All learners are issued with their own personal equipment for the duration of the training to minimise any risk. Where appropriate they are put into bubbles and advised how to safely demonstrate first aid competencies for assessment purposes.

The training environment is deep cleaned before and after training and regular sanitisation of common areas takes place during the day. Hand sanitiser is freely available and must be used on exit/entry to the training room.
We can now offer blended learning where the theory elements of the course are taken online, reducing the need to travel and contact with others.
Where we deliver onsite training at client premises we follow their protocols in and around the training area.

We have moved some of our courses to ‘virtual’ online, for example manual handling and fire warden training, via face to face video conferencing software so they still get the same knowledge and expertise and interaction with the trainer. These have proved invaluable to organisations such as the NHS who have deployed staff to different areas but still need to meet mandatory training compliance. All that is required is a device such as a laptop/tablet or even just a mobile phone to establish a connection. Resources are sent out ahead of the course so the learner has the chance to read through relevant materials and prepare any questions for the trainer relating to their workplace.
Whatever your requirements , we can offer a solution to suit your needs.
Train with METT and have a life-saving experience.