
self defence
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Protecting your employees with self-defence skills

As businesses, we try to protect our employees as much as possible, but have you thought about providing them with the tools they need to protect themselves in the event of someone attacking them?

Why provide self-defence training?

Unfortunately, there has been an increase in workplace violence and so by providing your employees with self-defence training not only arms them with the skills they need to protect themselves but also shows them that you value their wellbeing and safety.

Self-defence training will give your employees the confidence they need to handle situations effectively with reduced anxiety and increase their self-esteem. However, this confidence is twofold as it can also help reduce workplace stress and allow them to focus better on their tasks.

Who is the self-defence training suitable for?

Self-defence training caters for all employees that come in to contact with members of the public who may be at risk of having to deal with an aggressive person.

Our self-defence training is tailored to your organisation to help you deal with the situations that your employees face. As we can deliver the training especially for you it can be used as a team building experience.

How can self-defence training help your employees?

There are many reasons why self-defence training is good for your employees which include:

  • Empowers your employees and gives them confidence
  • Arms them with the tools they need to protect themselves
  • Can help reduce stress at work and allow them to act clearly
  • Can help improve creative problem solving and assist with decision making
  • Enhances peace of mind

What does our self-defence course offer?

We provide nationally accredited BTEC Level 2 self-defence training that is compliant with health and safety requirements and provides legally defensible training. The course is a full day and is suitable for up to 12 participants.

Participants on our courses will learn about the use of force and what is legally allowed and will understand Health & Safety at Work Legislation. They will learn about anxiety and performance and whether to use a fight or flight response, and then be armed with the physical skills they need to protect themself and others.

We also offer a conflict resolution course which goes well with this course as it focuses even further on defusing the situation before physical intervention is needed.